$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 easing, OpenLayers. Tween
 edge, OpenLayers. Control. Split
 editFirstGeometry, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureList
 editGeometryVisual, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureList
 EditingToolbar, OpenLayers. Control. EditingToolbar. OpenLayers. Control
 Elements, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements. OpenLayers. Renderer
 error, OpenLayers. Console
 EventPane, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane. OpenLayers. Layer
 Events, OpenLayers. Events. OpenLayers
 exists, OpenLayers. ElementsIndexer
 EXTENT, mapfish. Searcher. Map. mapfish. Searcher.Map
 externalProjection, OpenLayers. Format
 extractRoutes, OpenLayers. Format.GPX
 extractStyles, OpenLayers. Format.Text
 extractTracks, OpenLayers. Format.GPX
 extractWaypoints, OpenLayers. Format.GPX
{<OpenLayers.Easing>(Function)} Easing equation used for the animation Defaultly set to OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut
{Boolean} Allow splits given intersection of edges only.
editFirstGeometry: function(record)
Start to edit the first geometry of the given feature.
editGeometryVisual: function(geometry,
How to represent a geometry in the grid.
Create an editing toolbar for a given layer.
{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? 
{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? 
equals: function(color)
Returns true if the colors at the same.
equals: function(geometry)
Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one.
equals: function(geom)
Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one.
Determine whether one pixel is equivalent to another
Determine where this size is equal to another
error: function()
Writes a message to the console with the visual “error” icon and color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
evaluate: function(context)
Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
evaluate: function(context)
Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
evaluate: function(feature)
evaluates this rule for a specific feature
evaluate: function(context)
Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
evaluate: function(feature)
evaluates this rule for a specific feature
{Array(String)} Supported event types.
{Array(String)} Supported event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types.
{Array(String)} Supported application event types
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
Create a new event pane layer
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all offline events.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the map
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the {OpenLayers.Request} object.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the tile.
Construct an OpenLayers.Events object.
exists: function(node)
node- {DOMElement} The node to test for existence.
Extend the bounds to include the point, lonlat, or bounds specified.
OpenLayers.Util.extend = function(destination,
Copy all properties of a source object to a destination object.
Set the searcher mode to this constant if you want search on map extent.
{OpenLayers.Projection} When passed a externalProjection and internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it reads or writes.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract feature attributes from GPX.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from KML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML? 
{Boolean} Extract routes from GPX.
set to true to extract styles from the TSV files, using information from the image or icon, iconSize and iconOffset fields.
{Boolean} Extract tracks from GPX.
{Boolean} Extract waypoints from GPX.