OpenLayers. Layer.Text

This layer creates markers given data in a text file.  The location property of the layer (specified as a property of the options argument in the OpenLayers.Layer.Text constructor) points to a tab delimited file with data used to create markers.

The first row of the data file should be a header line with the column names of the data.  Each column should be delimited by a tab space.  The possible columns are:

  • point lat,lon of the point where a marker is to be placed
  • lat Latitude of the point where a marker is to be placed
  • lon Longitude of the point where a marker is to be placed
  • icon or image URL of marker icon to use.
  • iconSize Size of Icon to use.
  • iconOffset Where the top-left corner of the icon is to be placed relative to the latitude and longitude of the point.
  • title The text of the ‘title’ is placed inside an ‘h2’ marker inside a popup, which opens when the marker is clicked.
  • description The text of the ‘description’ is placed below the h2 in the popup. this can be plain text or HTML.

Example text file

lat  lon title   description iconSize    iconOffset  icon
10   20  title   description 21,25       -10,-25

Inherits from

OpenLayers. Layer.TextThis layer creates markers given data in a text file.
location{String} URL of text file.
formatOptions{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
OpenLayers. Layer.TextCreate a text layer.



{String} URL of text file.  Must be specified in the “options” argument of the constructor.  Can not be changed once passed in.


{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.  Must be passed in the constructor.


OpenLayers. Layer.Text

Create a text layer.


options{Object} Object with properties to be set on the layer.  Must include location property.



destroy: function()
destroy: function()
{String} URL of text file.
Create a text layer.