mapfish. widgets. print.Base

Base class for the Ext components used to communicate with the print module, automatically take the layers from the given {OpenLayers.Map} instance.

mapfish. widgets. print.BaseBase class for the Ext components used to communicate with the print module, automatically take the layers from the given {OpenLayers.Map} instance.
map{OpenLayers.Map} The OpenLayers Map object.
overrides{Object} the map that specify the print module overrides for each layers.
configUrl{String} The URL to access .../config.json.
config{Object} The response from .../config.json.
layerTree{mapfish.widgets.LayerTree} An optional layer tree.
grids{Object} An optional dictionary of {Ext.grid.GridPanel}.
serviceParams{Object} Additional params to send in the print service Ajax calls.
printing{Boolean} True when a PDF is being generated.
fillSpecAdd the page definitions and set the other parameters.



{OpenLayers.Map} The OpenLayers Map object.


{Object} the map that specify the print module overrides for each layers.  They can be used of changing the OL layer’s bahaviors for the print module.  See the documentation in {mapfish.PrintProtocol}.


{String} The URL to access .../config.json.  Either this property or config must be set.


{Object} The response from .../config.json.  Either this property or configUrl must be set.


{mapfish.widgets.LayerTree} An optional layer tree.  Needed only if you want to display legends.


{Object} An optional dictionary of {Ext.grid.GridPanel}.  Needed only if you want to display search results.  Can be function (returning the dictionary) that will be called each time the information is needed.


{Object} Additional params to send in the print service Ajax calls.  Can be used to set the “locale” parameter.


{Boolean} True when a PDF is being generated.  Read-only.



Add the page definitions and set the other parameters.  To be implemented by child classes.

This method can be overriden to customise the spec sent to the printer.  Don’t forget to call the parent implementation.


printCommand{mapfish.PrintProtocol} The print definition to fill.
Instances of OpenLayers.Map are interactive maps embedded in a web page.
Extension of Ext TreePanel to show a tree that can control OpenLayers layers.
Class to communicate with the print module.