$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 calculateInRange, OpenLayers. Layer
 Canvas, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas. OpenLayers. Renderer
 CheckItem, mapfish. widgets. toolbar. CheckItem. mapfish. widgets. toolbar
 checkTags, OpenLayers. Format.OSM
 Class, OpenLayers
 CLASSIFY_BY_EQUAL_INTERVALS, mapfish. GeoStat. mapfish. GeoStat. Distribution
 CLASSIFY_BY_QUANTILS, mapfish. GeoStat. mapfish. GeoStat. Distribution
 CLASSIFY_WITH_BOUNDS, mapfish. GeoStat. mapfish. GeoStat. Distribution
 clearMouseCache, OpenLayers. Events
 click, OpenLayers. Control. GetFeature
 Click, OpenLayers. Handler. Click. OpenLayers. Handler
 CLICK, mapfish. Searcher. Map. mapfish. Searcher.Map
 clickTolerance, OpenLayers. Control. GetFeature
 closeOnMove, OpenLayers. Popup
 Cluster, OpenLayers. Strategy. Cluster. OpenLayers. Strategy
 Collection, OpenLayers. Geometry. Collection. OpenLayers. Geometry
 collectionName, OpenLayers. Format.GML
 ColorRgb, mapfish. ColorRgb. mapfish
 colors, mapfish. GeoStat. Choropleth
 columns, mapfish. widgets. print. MultiPage
 COMBO_NONE_NAME, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureEditingPanel
 COMBO_NONE_VALUE, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureEditingPanel
 comboConfig, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureEditingPanel
 commitReport, OpenLayers. Layer.WFS
 Comparison, OpenLayers. Filter. Comparison. OpenLayers. Filter
 components, OpenLayers. Geometry. Collection
 concatChildValues, OpenLayers. Format.XML
 configUrl, mapfish. widgets. print.Base
Globalmapfish. ColorRgbmapfish. GeoStatmapfish. GeoStat. Choroplethmapfish. GeoStat. ProportionalSymbolmapfish. PrintProtocolmapfish. Protocol. MapFishmapfish. Protocol. MergeFilterDecoratormapfish. Protocol. TriggerEventDecoratormapfish. Searchermapfish. Searcher.Formmapfish. Searcher.Mapmapfish. Strategy. ProtocolListenermapfish. widgets. data. FeatureReadermapfish. widgets. data. FeatureStoremapfish. widgets. data. FeatureStoreMediatormapfish. widgets. data. GridRowFeatureMediatormapfish. widgets. data. LayerStoreMediatormapfish. widgets. data. SearchStoreMediatormapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureEditingPanelmapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureListmapfish. widgets. geostat. Choroplethmapfish. widgets. geostat. ProportionalSymbolmapfish. widgets. LayerTreemapfish. widgets. MapComponentmapfish. widgets. print. BaseWidgetmapfish. widgets. print. MultiPagemapfish. widgets. print. PrintActionmapfish. widgets. print. SimpleFormmapfish. widgets. recenter.Basemapfish. widgets. recenter. Coordsmapfish. widgets. recenter. DataFieldmapfish. widgets. search.Formmapfish. widgets. Shortcutsmapfish. widgets. toolbar. CheckItemmapfish. widgets. toolbar. MenuItemmapfish. widgets. toolbar. ToolbarOpenLayers. Ajax.BaseOpenLayers. Ajax. RequestOpenLayers. Ajax. ResponseOpenLayers. BoundsOpenLayers. ControlOpenLayers. Control. ArgParserOpenLayers. Control. AttributionOpenLayers. Control. DragFeatureOpenLayers. Control. DrawFeatureOpenLayers. Control. EditingToolbarOpenLayers. Control. GetFeatureOpenLayers. Control. KeyboardDefaultsOpenLayers. Control. LayerSwitcherOpenLayers. Control. MeasureOpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeatureOpenLayers. Control. MouseDefaultsOpenLayers. Control. MousePositionOpenLayers. Control. MouseToolbarOpenLayers. Control. NavigationOpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistoryOpenLayers. Control. NavToolbarOpenLayers. Control. OverviewMapOpenLayers. Control.PanOpenLayers. Control. PanelOpenLayers. Control. PanPanelOpenLayers. Control. PanZoomOpenLayers. Control. PanZoomBarOpenLayers. Control. PermalinkOpenLayers. Control. ScaleOpenLayers. Control. ScaleLineOpenLayers. Control. SelectFeatureOpenLayers. Control. SnappingOpenLayers. Control. SplitOpenLayers. Control. WMSGetFeatureInfoOpenLayers. Control. ZoomPanelOpenLayers. EventsOpenLayers. FeatureOpenLayers. Feature. VectorOpenLayers. Feature.WFSOpenLayers. FilterOpenLayers. Filter. ComparisonOpenLayers. Filter. FeatureIdOpenLayers. Filter. LogicalOpenLayers. Filter. SpatialOpenLayers. FormatOpenLayers. Format. ArcXMLOpenLayers. Format. ArcXML. FeaturesOpenLayers. Format. CSWGetDomain. v2_0_2OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2OpenLayers. Format. FilterOpenLayers. Format. Filter.v1OpenLayers. Format. Filter. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. Filter. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. GeoJSONOpenLayers. Format. GeoRSSOpenLayers. Format.GMLOpenLayers. Format. GML.BaseOpenLayers. Format. GML.v2OpenLayers. Format. GML.v3OpenLayers. Format.GPXOpenLayers. Format.JSONOpenLayers. Format.KMLOpenLayers. Format.OSMOpenLayers. Format.SLDOpenLayers. Format. SLD.v1OpenLayers. Format. SLD. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format.TextOpenLayers. Format.WFSOpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities.v1OpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities/ v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities/ v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WFST.v1OpenLayers. Format. WFST. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WFST. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format.WKTOpenLayers. Format.WMCOpenLayers. Format. WMC.v1OpenLayers. Format. WMC. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WMC. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities.v1_1OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities/ v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities/ v1_1_1OpenLayers. Format. WMSDescribeLayerOpenLayers. Format. WMSDescribeLayer.v1_1OpenLayers. Format. WMSGetFeatureInfoOpenLayers. Format.XMLOpenLayers. GeometryOpenLayers. Geometry. CollectionOpenLayers. Geometry. CurveOpenLayers. Geometry. LinearRingOpenLayers. Geometry. LineStringOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiLineStringOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPointOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPolygonOpenLayers. Geometry. PointOpenLayers. Geometry. PolygonOpenLayers. Geometry. RectangleOpenLayers. HandlerOpenLayers. Handler.BoxOpenLayers. Handler. ClickOpenLayers. Handler.DragOpenLayers. Handler. FeatureOpenLayers. Handler. HoverOpenLayers. handler. KeyboardOpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheelOpenLayers. Handler.PathOpenLayers. Handler. PointOpenLayers. Handler. PolygonOpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygonOpenLayers.IconOpenLayers. LayerOpenLayers. Layer. ArcGIS93RestOpenLayers. Layer. ArcIMSOpenLayers. Layer. BoxesOpenLayers. Layer. EventPaneOpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevelsOpenLayers. Layer. GeoRSSOpenLayers. Layer.GMLOpenLayers. Layer. GoogleOpenLayers. Layer.GridOpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequestOpenLayers. Layer. ImageOpenLayers. Layer. KaMapOpenLayers. Layer. KaMapCacheOpenLayers. Layer. MapGuideOpenLayers. Layer. MapServerOpenLayers. Layer. MapServer. UntiledOpenLayers. Layer. MarkersOpenLayers. Layer. MultiMapOpenLayers. Layer. PointTrackOpenLayers. Layer.TextOpenLayers. Layer. TileCacheOpenLayers. Layer.TMSOpenLayers. Layer. VectorOpenLayers. Layer. Vector. RootContainerOpenLayers. Layer. VirtualEarthOpenLayers. Layer.WFSOpenLayers. Layer.WMSOpenLayers. Layer. WMS.PostOpenLayers. Layer. WMS. UntiledOpenLayers. Layer. WorldWindOpenLayers. Layer.XYZOpenLayers. Layer. YahooOpenLayers. LonLatOpenLayers.MapOpenLayers. MarkerOpenLayers. Marker.BoxOpenLayers. PixelOpenLayers. PopupOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubbleOpenLayers. Popup. FramedOpenLayers. Popup. FramedCloudOpenLayers. ProjectionOpenLayers. ProtocolOpenLayers. Protocol.HTTPOpenLayers. Protocol. ResponseOpenLayers. Protocol.SQLOpenLayers. Protocol. SQL. GearsOpenLayers. Protocol. WFS.v1OpenLayers. Protocol. WFS. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Protocol. WFS. v1_1_0OpenLayers. RendererOpenLayers. Renderer. CanvasOpenLayers. Renderer. ElementsOpenLayers. Renderer.SVGOpenLayers. Renderer.VMLOpenLayers.RuleOpenLayers.SizeOpenLayers. StrategyOpenLayers. Strategy.BBOXOpenLayers. Strategy. ClusterOpenLayers. Strategy. FixedOpenLayers. Strategy. PagingOpenLayers. Strategy.SaveOpenLayers. StyleOpenLayers. StyleMapOpenLayers. Tile. Image. IFrameOpenLayers. Tween
 containsBounds, OpenLayers. Bounds
 containsLonLat, OpenLayers. Bounds
 containsPixel, OpenLayers. Bounds
 contentType, OpenLayers. Format.XML
 control, OpenLayers. Handler
 Control, OpenLayers. Control. OpenLayers
 Coords, mapfish. widgets. recenter. Coords. mapfish. widgets. recenter
 CORNER_SIZE, OpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubble
 count, OpenLayers. Console
 createContextualMenuPlugin, mapfish. widgets
 createDisableLayersPlugin, mapfish. widgets. LayerTree
 createElementNS, OpenLayers. Format.XML
 createParams, OpenLayers. Control. Permalink
 createPDF, mapfish. PrintProtocol
 createRecord, mapfish. widgets. editing. FeatureList
 createRegularPolygon, OpenLayers. Geometry. Polygon
 createTextNode, OpenLayers. Format.XML
 Curve, OpenLayers. Geometry. Curve. OpenLayers. Geometry
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds for the geometry.
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds by iterating through the components and calling calling extendBounds() on each item.
calculateInRange: function()
{Boolean} The layer is displayable at the current map’s current resolution.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handlers.feature for callback
{Object} An object with start, eachStep and done properties whose values are functions to be call during the animation.
camelize: function(str)
Camel-case a hyphenated string.
cancel: function()
Stop the control from measuring.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
Create a new CheckItem
{Boolean} Should tags be checked to determine whether something should be treated as a seperate node.
Base class used to construct all other classes.
clear: function()
Clear all the previous results.
clear: function()
Clear history.
clear: function()
clear: function()
Clear any rendered features on the temporary layer.
clearMouseCache: function()
Clear cached data about the mouse position.
{Boolean} Use a click handler for selecting/unselecting features.
Create a new click handler.
Set the searcher mode to this constant if you want search on click.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Integer} Tolerance for the BBOX query in pixels.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Create a clone of this geometry.
clone: function()
Clone this geometry.
clone: function(obj)
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
{OpenLayers.LonLat} New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon and lat values
Return a clone of this pixel object
clone: function()
Clones this rule.
Create a clone of this size object
{Boolean} When map pans, close the popup.
Create a new clustering strategy.
Creates a Geometry Collection -- a list of geoms.
{String} Name of featureCollection element.
{Array(mapfish.Color}} Array of 2 colors to be applied to features We should use styles instead
{Array} The Additionnal columns for “per page” custom fields.
The name (label) of the none entry in the combo.
The value of the none entry in the combo.
{Object} Optional config parameters for layer selection combo
commit: function(features,
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function()
Write out the data to a WFS server.
commit: function()
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function(features,
Iterate over each feature and take action based on the feature state.
commit: function(features,
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commitReport: function(string,
Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter.
Creates a comparison rule.
{Array(OpenLayers.Geometry)} The component parts of this geometry
concatChildValues: function(node,
{String} the configuration as returned by the MapPrinterServlet.
{Object} The response from .../config.json.
{String} The URL to access .../config.json.
contains: function(str,
Test whether a string contains another string.
Determine whether the target bounds is contained within this bounds.
contentType: function(node)
Determine the content type for a given node.
Create an OpenLayers Control.
{Integer} 5.
count: function()
Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called was executed.
"create": function(features,
Create features.
"create": function(features,
Create features, this method does nothing more than calling the decorator protocol’s create method.
create: function(features,
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function()
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function(features,
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function(features,
Create new features into the database.
Creates an EXT plugin that adds a contextual menu to the layer tree.
mapfish.widgets.LayerTree.createDisableLayersPlugin = function(serverResolution)
Creates an EXT plugin that allows to disable layers in the tree depending on current scale.
createElementNS: function(uri,
Create a new element with namespace.
createParams: function(center,
Creates the parameters that need to be encoded into the permalink url.
createPDF: function(success,
Uses AJAX to create the PDF on the server and then gets it from the server.
mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureList.createRecord = function(cols)
Generate a Record constructor for a specific record layout and with support for the ‘geo’ type.
OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon = function(origin,
Create a regular polygon around a radius.
createTextNode: function(text)
Create a text node.