$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 LABEL_SHIFT, OpenLayers.Renderer.VML.OpenLayers.Renderer.VML
 LABEL_VSHIFT, OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
 labelGenerator, mapfish.widgets.geostat.Choropleth
 lat, OpenLayers.LonLat
 layerConfig, mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureEditingPanel
 layerIdentifier, OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 LayerSwitcher, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher.OpenLayers.Control
 layerTree, mapfish.widgets.print.Base
 LayerTree, mapfish.widgets.LayerTree.mapfish.widgets
 LinearRing, OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing.OpenLayers.Geometry
 LineString, OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString.OpenLayers.Geometry
 location, OpenLayers.Layer.Text
 log, OpenLayers.Console
 Logical, OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.OpenLayers.Filter
 lon, OpenLayers.LonLat
 LonLat, OpenLayers.LonLat.OpenLayers
 lowerBoundary, OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison
 lzd, OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind
Generator for bin labels
{Float} The y-axis coordinate in map units
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The vector layer containing the features that are styled based on statistical values.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The vector layer.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The Vector layer to use to draw the selected geometries.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The vector layer containing the features that are styled based on statistical values.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The vector layer containing the features that are styled based on statistical values.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The target layer with features to be split.
{Object} Hash of layers with config parameters.
{String} All xml nodes containing this search criteria will populate an internal array of layer nodes.
{String} Name of data layer.
{String} name of the layer that this style belongs to, usually according to the NamedLayer attribute of an SLD document.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer)} Ordered list of layers in the overview map.
{Array} An array of objects with layer properties.
Layers that are attached to this container.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer)} Ordered list of layers in the map
Create an instance of
{mapfish.widgets.LayerTree} An optional layer tree.
{Number} An integer specifying the maximum number of features the MapFish web service must return, only applies if the protocol option is not set and if the url option is set, defaults to 10.
{Integer} Optional limit on the number of history items to retain.
limitSigDigs: function(num,
Limit the number of significant digits on a float.
Linear rings are constructed with an array of points.
Create a new LineString geometry
An Ext.LoadMask config or true to mask the widget while loading (defaults to false).
An Ext.LoadMask config or true to mask the widget while loading (defaults to false).
OpenLayers.loadURL = function(uri,
Background load a document.
{String} URL of text file.
log: function()
Log an object in the console.
Creates a logical filter (And, Or, Not).
{Float} The x-axis coodinate in map units
Create a new map location.
lookupNamespaceURI: function(node,
Takes a prefix and returns the namespace URI associated with it on the given node if found (and null if not).
Takes a prefix and returns the namespace URI associated with it on the given node if found (and null if not).
{Number} or {String} lower boundary for between comparisons.