Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 allOverlays, OpenLayers.Map
 alwaysInRange, OpenLayers.Layer
 areaTags, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 argParserClass, OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
 async, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
 attributes, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector
 attribution, OpenLayers.Layer
 auto, OpenLayers.Strategy.Save
 autoFocusMode, mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureList
 automaticMode, mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureList
 autoPan, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
 base, OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
 baseLayer, OpenLayers.Map
 begin, OpenLayers.Tween
 bounds, OpenLayers.Tile
 buffer, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 checkTags, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 click, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
 clickTolerance, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
 closeOnMove, OpenLayers.Popup
 collectionName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 colors, mapfish.GeoStat.Choropleth
 columns, mapfish.widgets.print.MultiPage
 comboConfig, mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureEditingPanel
 comboOptions, mapfish.widgets.recenter.DataField
 components, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
 configUrl, mapfish.widgets.print.Base
 control, OpenLayers.Handler
 data, OpenLayers.Format
 databaseName, OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL
 defaultCode, OpenLayers.Lang
 defaultControl, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 defaultStyle, OpenLayers.Format.Text
 defaultSymbolizer, OpenLayers.Format.SLD.v1
 defaultZoom, mapfish.widgets.recenter.Base
 deferDelete, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 deleteCodes, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 direction, OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar
 displayDefaultPopup, mapfish.Searcher.Map
 displayField, mapfish.widgets.recenter.DataField
 displayInLayerSwitcher, OpenLayers.Layer
 displayNotEdited, mapfish.widgets.editing.FeatureList
 displayOutsideMaxExtent, OpenLayers.Layer
 distanceUnits, OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial
 double, OpenLayers.Handler.Click
 duration, OpenLayers.Tween
 easing, OpenLayers.Tween
 edge, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 externalProjection, OpenLayers.Format
 extractRoutes, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 extractStyles, OpenLayers.Format.Text
 extractTracks, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 extractWaypoints, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
{Boolean} Allow the map to function with “overlays” only.
{Boolean} If a layer’s display should not be scale-based, this should be set to true.
{Boolean} If false, existing layer features are destroyed before adding newly read features.
{Boolean} False if the store must be cleared before adding new features into it, false otherwise; defaults to true.
{Boolean} False if the store must be cleared before adding new features into it, false otherwise; defaults to true.
{Array} List of tags indicating that something is an area.
{Class} The ArgParser control class (not instance) to use with this control.
If true and using automatic model, the layers in the tree will show the bottom OpenLayer layer on top and the top OpenLayer layer on the bottom.
{Boolean} Request images asynchronously.
{Object} This object holds arbitrary properties that describe the feature.
{String} Attribution string, displayed when an OpenLayers.Control.Attribution has been added to the map.
{Boolean | Number} Auto-save.
{Boolean} The instance is activated at creation time, defaults to true.
{Boolean} True if the mediator must be activated as part of its creation, false otherwise; if false then the mediator must be explicitely activate using the activate method; defaults to true.
{Boolean} True if the mediator must be activated as part of its creation, false otherwise; if false then the mediator must be explicitely activate using the activate method; defaults to true.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Integer} If 0, don’t change the visible extent of the map.
{Boolean} If true, the geometry to edit can be selected on click.
{Boolean} Always pan the overview map, so the extent marker remains in the center.
{Boolean} Resize the popup to auto-fit the contents.
{Boolean} Framed Cloud is autosizing by default.
{OpenLayers.Layer} The currently selected base layer.
{Object} Values to start the animation with
{OpenLayers.Bounds} null
{Boolean} Allow feature selection by drawing a box.
{Boolean} Allow feature selection by drawing a box.
{String} The CSS class to use for drawing the box, applies only if mode is mapfish.Searcher.Map.BOX, default is olHandlerBoxZoomBox.
{String} The CSS class to use for drawing the box.
{Integer} Used only when in gridded mode, this specifies the number of extra rows and colums of tiles on each side which will surround the minimum grid tiles to cover the map.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handlers.feature for callback
{Object} An object with start, eachStep and done properties whose values are functions to be call during the animation.
{Boolean} Should tags be checked to determine whether something should be treated as a seperate node.
{Boolean} Use a click handler for selecting/unselecting features.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Integer} Tolerance for the BBOX query in pixels.
{Boolean} When map pans, close the popup.
{String} Name of featureCollection element.
{Array(mapfish.Color}} Array of 2 colors to be applied to features We should use styles instead
{Array} The Additionnal columns for “per page” custom fields.
{Object} Optional config parameters for layer selection combo
{Object} Options to be passed to the ComboBox constructor.
{Array(OpenLayers.Geometry)} The component parts of this geometry
{String} the configuration as returned by the MapPrinterServlet.
{Object} The response from .../config.json.
{String} The URL to access .../config.json.
{Object} When keepData is true, this is the parsed string sent to read.
{String} Default language to use when a specific language can’t be found.
{OpenLayers.Control} The control which is activated when the control is activated (turned on), which also happens at instantiation.
defaultStyle allows one to control the default styling of the features.
{Object} A symbolizer with the SLD defaults.
{String} Version number to assume if none found.
{String} Version number to assume if none found.
{String} Version number to assume if none found.
{String} Version number to assume if none found.
{String} Version number to assume if none found.
{String} Version number to assume if none found.
{Boolean} Instead of removing features from the layer, set feature states of split features to DELETE.
{Integer} This property has no effect if mode is set to mapfish.Searcher.Map.BOX or to mapfish.Searcher.Map.EXTENT, and it’s meaning depends whether mode is set to mapfish.Searcher.Map.CLICK or mapfish.Searcher.Map.HOVER.
{Number} Number of milliseconds between clicks before the event is considered a double-click.
{Array(Integer)} Keycodes for deleting verticies.
{String} ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’
{Boolean} Display a default popup with the search results, does not apply if mode is set to mapfish.Searcher.Map.EXTENT; defaults to false.
{String} The name of the field whose values are displayed in the combo box, mandatory.
{Boolean} Display the layer’s name in the layer switcher.
{Boolean} If “false”, display only the edited feature.
{Boolean} Request map tiles that are completely outside of the max extent for this layer.
{OpenLayers.Projection} Requires proj4js support.
{OpenLayers.Projection} The projection in which the mouse position is displayed
{OpenLayers.Projection} Requires proj4js support.
{OpenLayers.Projection} Requires proj4js support.Projection used by several controls to display data to user.
{Number} The distance to use in a DWithin spatial filter.
{Integer} Pixel distance between features that should be considered a single cluster.
{String} The units to use for the distance, e.g.
{DOMElement|String} The element that contains the map (or an id for that element).
{Boolean} Handle double-clicks.
{int} duration of the tween (number of steps)
{<OpenLayers.Easing>(Function)} Easing equation used for the animation Defaultly set to OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut
{Boolean} Allow splits given intersection of edges only.
{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? 
{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? 
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners object will be registered with OpenLayers.Events.on.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all offline events.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the map
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the {OpenLayers.Request} object.
{OpenLayers.Events} An events object that handles all events on the tile.
{OpenLayers.Projection} When passed a externalProjection and internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it reads or writes.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Extract feature attributes from GPX.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from KML.
{Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.
{Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML? 
{Boolean} Extract routes from GPX.
set to true to extract styles from the TSV files, using information from the image or icon, iconSize and iconOffset fields.
{Boolean} Extract tracks from GPX.
{Boolean} Extract waypoints from GPX.