Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 searchTolerance, mapfish. Searcher.Map
 searchToleranceUnits, mapfish. Searcher.Map
 selectControl, mapfish. widgets. data. GridRowFeatureMediator
 selectStyle, OpenLayers. Control. SelectFeature
 seperator, OpenLayers. Control. Attribution
 serviceParams, mapfish. widgets. print.Base
 serviceVersion, OpenLayers. Layer.TMS
 showCenter, mapfish. widgets. recenter.Base
 showWmsLegend, mapfish. widgets. LayerTree
 sides, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 single, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 size, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 slideRatio, OpenLayers. Control. PanZoom
 smoothDragPan, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 snapAngle, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 snapToggle, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 sourceFilter, OpenLayers. Control. Split
 space, OpenLayers. Format.JSON
 spec, mapfish. PrintProtocol
 sphericalMecator, OpenLayers. Layer.XYZ
 standalone, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 startPosition, OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2
 stopDouble, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 stopMove, OpenLayers. Handler. Hover
 stopSingle, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 store, mapfish. widgets. data. FeatureStoreMediator
 styleMap, mapfish. widgets. print. BaseWidget
 suffix, OpenLayers. Control. MousePosition
 tableName, OpenLayers. Protocol.SQL
 targetFilter, OpenLayers. Control. Split
 theme, OpenLayers.Map
 threshold, OpenLayers. Strategy. Cluster
 tileOrigin, OpenLayers. Layer.TMS
 toggleKey, OpenLayers. Control. GetFeature
 tolerance, OpenLayers. Control. Split
 totalRecords, mapfish. widgets. data. FeatureReader
 transitionEffect, OpenLayers. Layer
 unsupportedBrowsers, OpenLayers. Layer. WMS.Post
 upperBoundary, OpenLayers. Filter. Comparison
 useAsyncOverlay, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 useFeedTitle, OpenLayers. Layer. GeoRSS
 useHttpTile, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 useOverlay, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 virtualStyle, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature
 visibility, OpenLayers. Layer
 w, OpenLayers.Size
 wantResetButton, mapfish. widgets. print. SimpleForm
 wfsns, OpenLayers. Format.WFS
 wildcarded, mapfish. Protocol. MapFish
 wrapDateLine, OpenLayers. Layer
{Array} An array of map scales in descending order.
{Integer} The search tolerance.
{String} Tolerance units.
{OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature} The select feature control.
{Object} Hash of styles
{String} the separator character to use in between layer name and sublayer.
{String} String used to seperate layers.
{Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server.
{Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server.
{Object} Additional params to send in the print service Ajax calls.
{Boolean} This is only used when no model is specified (when the model is automatically extracted from the map layers).
{Integer} Number of sides for the regular polygon.
{Boolean} Handle single clicks.
{Boolean} Moves the layer into single-tile mode, meaning that one tile will be loaded.
{Boolean} use tile server or request single tile image.
{singleTile} Always true for untiled.
{singleTile} Always true for untiled.
{OpenLayers.Size} The overvew map size in pixels.
Pixels to slide by.
{Integer} Number of pixels by which we’ll pan the map in any direction on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Integer} Number of pixels by which we’ll pan the map in any direction on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Number} The fraction of map width/height by which we’ll pan the map on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Boolean} smoothDragPan determines whether non-public/internal API methods are used for better performance while dragging EventPane layers.
{Float} If set to a non-zero value, the handler will snap the polygon rotation to multiples of the snapAngle.
{String} If set, snapToggle is checked on mouse events and will set the snap mode to the opposite of what it currently is.
{OpenLayers.Filter} Optional filter that will be evaluated to determine if a feature from the target layer is eligible for splitting.
{String} For “pretty” printing, the space string will be used after the “:” separating a name/value pair.
{Object} The complete spec to send to the servlet.
Whether the tile extents should be set to the defaults for spherical mercator.
{Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map? 
{Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map? 
{Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map? 
{String} URI for spatial reference system.
{String} URI for spatial reference system.
{Boolean} Set to true to create a control without SelectFeature capabilities.
{String} Value of the startPosition attribute of the GetRecords element, specifies the start position (offset+1) for the GetRecords response, 1 is the default.
{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of double-clicks.
{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of clicks.
{} An Ext data store
{Object} Default style for the layer
{OpenLayers.StyleMap} An optional map style for the vector layer containing the print rectangle.
Name of the database table into which Features should be saved.
{OpenLayers.Filter} Optional filter that will be evaluated to determine if a feature from the target layer is eligible for splitting.
{String} Relative path to a CSS file from which to load theme styles.
{Integer} Optional threshold below which original features will be added to the layer instead of clusters.
{OpenLayers.Size} Size for tiles.
{OpenLayers.Size} Set in the map options to override the default tile size for this map.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{String} An event modifier (‘altKey’ or ‘shiftKey’) that temporarily sets the toggle property to true.
{Number} Distance between the calculated intersection and a vertex on the source geometry below which the existing vertex will be used for the split.
{String} The transition effect to use when the map is panned or zoomed.
{String} type: type of the comparison.
{String} Type of spatial filter.
{String} The layer map units.
{String} The map units.
{Array} Array with browsers, which should use the HTTP-GET protocol instead of HTTP-POST for fetching tiles from a WMS .
{Number} or {String} upper boundary for between comparisons.
{String} The URL to the web service.
{String} The URL to the web service.
{String} The URL to the web service.
{Boolean} indicates if the MapGuide site supports the asynchronous GETDYNAMICOVERLAY requests which is available in MapGuide Enterprise 2010 and MapGuide Open Source v2.0.3 or higher.
{Boolean} Set to the first title element in the feed.
{Boolean} use a tile cache exposed directly via a webserver rather than the via mapguide server.
{Boolean} flag to indicate if the layer should be retrieved using GETMAPIMAGE (default) or using GETDYNAMICOVERLAY requests.
{Number} or {String} comparison value for binary comparisons.
{OpenLayers.Bounds || OpenLayers.Geometry} The bounds or geometry to be used by the filter.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{String} Specify a version string if one is known.
{Object} A symbolizer to be used for virtual vertices.
{Boolean} The layer should be displayed in the map.
{Number} width
{Boolean} If true (default), display a reset position button
{Boolean} If true percent signs are added around values read from LIKE filters, for example if the protocol read method is passed a LIKE filter whose property is “foo” and whose value is “bar” the string “foo__ilike=%bar%” will be sent in the query string; defaults to false.
{Boolean} #487 for more info.
{Number} The x coordinate
{Boolean} Order of the GML coordinate: true:(x,y) or false:(y,x) For GeoRSS the default is (y,x), therefore: false
{Boolean} Order of the GML coordinate true:(x,y) or false:(y,x) Changing is not recommended, a new Format should be instantiated.
{Boolean} Order of the GML coordinate true:(x,y) or false:(y,x) Changing is not recommended, a new Format should be instantiated.
{Boolean} Order of the GML coordinate true:(x,y) or false:(y,x) Changing is not recommended, a new Format should be instantiated.
{Number} The y coordinate