Constructor Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 MapComponent, mapfish. widgets. MapComponent. mapfish. widgets
 MapFish, mapfish. Protocol. MapFish. mapfish. Protocol
 MapGuide, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide. OpenLayers. Layer
 MapServer, OpenLayers. Layer. MapServer. OpenLayers. Layer
 Marker, OpenLayers. Marker. OpenLayers
 Markers, OpenLayers. Layer. Markers. OpenLayers. Layer
 Measure, OpenLayers. Control. Measure. OpenLayers. Control
 MenuItem, mapfish. widgets. toolbar. MenuItem. mapfish. widgets. toolbar
 MergeFilterDecorator, mapfish. Protocol. MergeFilterDecorator. mapfish. Protocol
 ModifyFeature, OpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeature. OpenLayers. Control
 MouseDefaults, OpenLayers. Control. MouseDefaults. OpenLayers. Control
 MousePosition, OpenLayers. Control. MousePosition. OpenLayers. Control
 MouseToolbar, OpenLayers. Control. MouseToolbar. OpenLayers. Control
 MouseWheel, OpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheel. OpenLayers. Handler
 MultiLineString, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiLineString. OpenLayers. Geometry
 MultiMap, OpenLayers. Layer. MultiMap. OpenLayers. Layer
 MultiPage, mapfish. widgets. print. MultiPage. mapfish. widgets. print
 MultiPoint, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPoint. OpenLayers. Geometry
 MultiPolygon, OpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPolygon. OpenLayers. Geometry
 Navigation, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation. OpenLayers. Control
 NavigationHistory, OpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistory. OpenLayers. Control
 NavToolbar, OpenLayers. Control. NavToolbar. OpenLayers. Control
 OSM, OpenLayers. Format. OSM. OpenLayers. Format
 OverviewMap, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap. OpenLayers. Control
 Paging, OpenLayers. Strategy. Paging. OpenLayers. Strategy
 Pan, OpenLayers. Control. Pan. OpenLayers. Control
 Panel, OpenLayers. Control. Panel. OpenLayers. Control
 PanPanel, OpenLayers. Control. PanPanel. OpenLayers. Control
 PanZoom, OpenLayers. Control. PanZoom. OpenLayers. Control
 PanZoomBar, OpenLayers. Control. PanZoomBar. OpenLayers. Control
 Path, OpenLayers. Handler. Path. OpenLayers. Handler
 Permalink, OpenLayers. Control. Permalink. OpenLayers. Control
 Pixel, OpenLayers. Pixel. OpenLayers
 PointTrack, OpenLayers. Layer. PointTrack. OpenLayers
 Popup, OpenLayers. Popup. OpenLayers
 Post, OpenLayers. Layer. WMS. Post. OpenLayers. Layer.WMS
 PrintAction, mapfish. widgets. print. PrintAction. mapfish. widgets. print
 Projection, OpenLayers. Projection. OpenLayers
 ProportionalSymbol, mapfish. widgets. geostat. ProportionalSymbol. mapfish. widgets. geostat
 Protocol, OpenLayers. Protocol. OpenLayers
 ProtocolListener, mapfish. Strategy. ProtocolListener. mapfish. Strategy
 Rectangle, OpenLayers. Geometry. Rectangle. OpenLayers. Geometry
 RegularPolygon, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon. OpenLayers. Handler
 Renderer, OpenLayers. Renderer. OpenLayers
 Request, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request. OpenLayers.Ajax
 RootContainer, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector. RootContainer. OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 Rule, OpenLayers. Rule. OpenLayers
 Save, OpenLayers. Strategy. Save. OpenLayers. Strategy
 Scale, OpenLayers. Control. Scale. OpenLayers. Control
 ScaleLine, OpenLayers. Control. ScaleLine. OpenLayers. Control
 Searcher, mapfish. Searcher. mapfish
 SearchStoreMediator, mapfish. widgets. data. SearchStoreMediator. mapfish.
 SelectFeature, OpenLayers. Control. SelectFeature. OpenLayers. Control
 Shortcuts, mapfish. widgets. Shortcuts. mapfish. widgets
 SimpleForm, mapfish. widgets. print. SimpleForm. mapfish. widgets. print
 Size, OpenLayers. Size. OpenLayers
 SLD, OpenLayers. Format. SLD. OpenLayers. Format
 Snapping, OpenLayers. Control. Snapping. OpenLayers. Control
 Spatial, OpenLayers. Filter. Spatial. OpenLayers. Filter
 Split, OpenLayers. Control. Split. OpenLayers. Control
 SQL, OpenLayers. Protocol. SQL. OpenLayers. Protocol
 Strategy, OpenLayers. Strategy. OpenLayers
 Style, OpenLayers. Style. OpenLayers
 StyleMap, OpenLayers. StyleMap. OpenLayers
 SVG, OpenLayers. Renderer. SVG. OpenLayers. Renderer
 TileCache, OpenLayers. Layer. TileCache. OpenLayers. Layer
 TMS, OpenLayers. Layer. TMS. OpenLayers. Layer
 Toolbar, mapfish. widgets. toolbar. Toolbar. mapfish. widgets. toolbar
 TriggerEventDecorator, mapfish. Protocol. TriggerEventDecorator. mapfish. Protocol
 Tween, OpenLayers. Tween. OpenLayers
options {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the instance.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Map instance.
Create a new MapComponent.
Create a new Mapguide layer, either tiled or untiled.
Create a new MapServer layer object
Create a Markers layer.
Create a new MenuItem.
Create a new modify feature control.
Constructor for a MultiLineString Geometry.
Create a new MultiPoint Geometry
Create a new MultiPolygon geometry
Create a new navigation control
Add our two mousedefaults controls.
Create a new parser for OSM.
Create a new overview map
Create a new paging strategy.
Control which handles the panning (in any of the cardinal directions) of the map by a set px distance.
Create a new control panel.
Add the four directional pan buttons.
Create a new path hander
Create a new OpenLayers.Pixel instance
Construct a point geometry.
Create a new point handler.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.PointTrack instance.
Constructor for a Polygon geometry.
Create a Polygon Handler.
Create a popup.
Creates a new WMS layer object.
This class offers several methods for interacting with a wrapped pro4js projection object.
Abstract class for vector protocols.
Create a new ProtocolListener strategy.
Create a new regular polygon handler.
Create a new root container for multiple vector layer.
Creates a Rule.
Create a new Save strategy.
Create a new scale line control.
Create an instance of
Create a new control for selecting features.
Create an instance of OpenLayers.Size
Create a new parser for SLD.
Creates a new snapping control.
Creates a spatial filter.
Creates a new split control.
Abstract class for vector strategies.
Creates a UserStyle.
Create a new parser for TSV Text.
Create a text layer.
Create a new read only TileCache layer.
Create a new Toolbar
Creates a Tween.