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GeoAlchemy provides extensions to SQLAlchemy to work with spatial databases. GeoAlchemy currently supports PostGIS, MySQL, Spatialite, Oracle Locator, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

In this module you will learn how to use GeoAlchemy to interact with PostGIS.

More specifically, you will change the Summit model class to include the geometry column. You will also change the summits controller to return WKT or GeoJSON, to calculate buffers, and to create features in the database.

You’ll also use the geojson and Shapely librairies.


To install GeoAlchemy in the virtual Python environment, use:

(vp) $ easy_install "GeoAlchemy==0.4.1"

Change the model

To add support for the geometry column in your model, you need to declare it in the model class. GeoAlchemy provides a specific column class named GeometryColumn for the declaration of geometry colums.

Here is the updated code:

"""The application's model objects"""
from geoalchemy import GeometryColumn, Point
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session, Base

def init_model(engine):
    """Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model"""

    global Summit
    class Summit(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'summits'
        __table_args__ = {
                'autoload': True,
                'autoload_with': engine
        geom = GeometryColumn(Point)

When declaring the geometry column the geometry type must be set (Point here). This is particularly useful when relying on GeoAlchemy and SQLAlchemy for creating geographic tables.

Change the controller

It is now possible to export the geometries as WKT strings in the JSON.

import logging

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from pylons.decorators import jsonify
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session
from workshopapp.model import Summit

from workshopapp.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SummitsController(BaseController):

    def index(self):
        summits = []
        for summit in Session.query(Summit).limit(10):
                "elevation": summit.elevation,
                "wkt": Session.scalar(summit.geom.wkt)

        return summits

Open http://localhost:5000/summits/index in your browser to see the JSON string that the summits controller now returns.

One thing to note is that each execution of Session.scalar(summits.geom.wkt) generates an SQL query. This is easily observable looking at the output of the paster server command.

To avoid these additional SQL queries you’re going to use the Shapely library. So Shapely instead of PostGIS will be used to get a WKT representation of the geometry.

First install Shapely (version 1.2) with:

(vp) $ easy_install "Shapely==1.2"

You can now update the workshopapp/controllers/ file with the following content:

import logging
import binascii
from shapely.wkb import loads

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from pylons.decorators import jsonify
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session
from workshopapp.model import Summit

from workshopapp.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SummitsController(BaseController):

    def index(self):
        summits = []
        for summit in Session.query(Summit).limit(10):
            wkb = binascii.hexlify(summit.geom.geom_wkb).decode('hex')
                "elevation": summit.elevation,
                "wkt": loads(str(summit.geom.geom_wkb)).wkt

        return summits

Again you can open http://localhost:5000/summits/index in the browser and check the JSON string. It should be the same as previously.


Doing performance tests here should show better performance when Shapely is used.

Output GeoJSON

In this section you’re going to modify the summits controller again so the geographic objects returned by the controller are represented using the GeoJSON format. The geojson Python library will be used.

Start by installing the geojson library (version 1.0.1):

(vp) $ easy_install "geojson==1.0.1"

Now modify update the workshopapp/controllers/ file with this content:

import logging
from shapely.wkb import loads
from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection, dumps

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session
from workshopapp.model import Summit

from workshopapp.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SummitsController(BaseController):

    def index(self):
        summits = []
        for summit in Session.query(Summit).limit(10):
            geometry = loads(str(summit.geom.geom_wkb))
            feature = Feature(
                        "elevation": summit.elevation

        response.content_type = 'application/json'
        return dumps(FeatureCollection(summits))

In the above code features are created from the objects read from the database. The Feature constructor is passed a Shapely geometry, which shows the integration between the Shapely and geojson libraries.

It is also interested to note that the jsonify decorator is no longer used, the dumps function from the geojson library is used instead.

Calculate buffer

Here you are going to extend the summits web service so it can return the buffer of a given feature. The URL will be /summits/buffer/<id> where id is the identifier of the feature for which the buffer is to be calculated.

To implement that you will add a buffer action to the summits controller. This action will retrieve the feature corresponding to the provided feature identifier, have PostGIS calculate the buffer of the feature, encode the resulting geometry in GeoJSON, and return the GeoJSON string.

You can now update the workshopapp/controllers/ file with the following content:

import logging
from shapely.wkb import loads as wkbloads
from shapely.geometry import asShape
from geojson import GeoJSON, Feature, FeatureCollection, dumps, loads as geojsonloads
from geoalchemy import WKBSpatialElement, functions

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session
from workshopapp.model import Summit

from workshopapp.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SummitsController(BaseController):

    def index(self):
        summits = []
        for summit in Session.query(Summit).limit(10):
            geometry = wkbloads(str(summit.geom.geom_wkb))
            feature = Feature(
                        "elevation": summit.elevation

        response.content_type = 'application/json'
        return dumps(FeatureCollection(summits))

    def buffer(self, id):
        buffer_geom = Session.query(
        if buffer_geom is None:
        geometry = wkbloads(str(buffer_geom[0]))

        response.content_type = 'application/json'
        return dumps(geometry)

You can note that only one SELECT is done to the database with the above code. The same method could be applied to the index action.

Bonus task

Add an action named buffer_shapely that relies on Shapely instead of GeoAlchemy and PostGIS for the buffer calculation. And you can compare the performance obtained when using Shapely and when using PostGIS.

Create features

In this section you are going to create a web service allowing to add summits to the database.

For that you’ll add a create action to the summits controller, which will parse the POST request, loads the GeoJSON feature, convert it to WKB with Shapely, and then create the feature in database using GeoAlchemy.

You can now update the workshopapp/controllers/ file with the following content:

import logging
from shapely.wkb import loads as wkbloads
from shapely.geometry import asShape
from geojson import GeoJSON, Feature, FeatureCollection, dumps, loads as geojsonloads
from geoalchemy import WKBSpatialElement

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session
from workshopapp.model import Summit

from workshopapp.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SummitsController(BaseController):

    def index(self):
        summits = []
        for summit in Session.query(Summit).limit(10):
            geometry = wkbloads(str(summit.geom.geom_wkb))
            feature = Feature(
                        "elevation": summit.elevation

        response.content_type = 'application/json'
        return dumps(FeatureCollection(summits))

    def buffer(self, id):
        buffer_geom = Session.query(
        if buffer_geom is None:
        geometry = wkbloads(str(buffer_geom[0]))

        response.content_type = 'application/json'
        return dumps(geometry)

    def create(self):
        # read raw POST data
        content = request.environ['wsgi.input'].read(int(request.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']))
        factory = lambda ob: GeoJSON.to_instance(ob)
        feature = geojsonloads(content, object_hook=factory)
        if not isinstance(feature, Feature):
        shape = asShape(feature.geometry)
        summit = Summit()
        summit.geom = WKBSpatialElement(buffer(shape.wkb))
        summit.elevation =['elevation'] =['name']

        response.status = 201
        response.content_type = "application/json" =
        return dumps(feature)

Then you can make a test query to this new service using curl on the commandline:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/summits/create -d \
'{"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [5.8759399999999999, 45.333889999999997]},
  "type": "Feature", "properties": {"elevation": 1876, "name": "Pas de Montbrun"}, "id": 2828}' \
-H 'Content-Type:"application/json"'

This command should output:

{"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [5.8759399999999999, 45.333889999999997]},
"type": "Feature", "properties": {"elevation": 1876, "name": "Pas de Montbrun"}, "id": 5133}

You can check that a new summit has been created in database, using pgAdmin for example.

Create geographic tables

In the previous module you learned how to create tables with SQLAlchemy when setting up the application. GeoAlchemy makes it possible to create geographic tables.

You’re going to convert the areas table into a geographic table, with a geometry column of type polygon, and have GeoAlchemy create that table in the database.

First, drop the areas table from the database, using pgAdmin for example.

Now update the workshopapp/model/ with this content:

"""The application's model objects"""
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String
from geoalchemy import GeometryColumn, GeometryDDL, Point, Polygon
from workshopapp.model.meta import Session, Base

def init_model(engine):
    """Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model"""

    global Summit
    class Summit(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'summits'
        __table_args__ = {
                'autoload': True,
                'autoload_with': engine
        geom = GeometryColumn(Point)

class Area(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'areas'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(50))
    geom = GeometryColumn(Polygon)


This update implies:

  • importing GeometryDDL and Polyon from geoalchemy (in addition to GeometryColumn and Point)
  • declaring a geometry column of type Polygon in the Area class
  • using GeometryDDL(Area.__table__) to make GeoAlchemy participate in the creation and destruction of the areas table

You can now execute the paster setup-app command and verify that the areas table and its geometry column are created:

(vp) $ paster setup-app development.ini