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 API(config), MapFish
 ArgParser(options), MapFish.API
 checkCodeLoaded, Proj4js.Proj
 checkDefsLoaded, Proj4js.Proj
 datum, Proj4js.Proj
 defaultDatum, Proj4js
 defsFailed, Proj4js.Proj
 defsLoaded, Proj4js.Proj
 deriveConstants, Proj4js.Proj
 Functions and Properties
 initialize, Proj4js.Proj
 initTransforms, Proj4js.Proj
 loadFromService, Proj4js.Proj
 loadProjCode, Proj4js.Proj
 loadProjCodeSuccess, Proj4js.Proj
 loadProjDefinition, Proj4js.Proj
 Measure, MapFish.API
 parseDefs, Proj4js.Proj
 Permalink(element,base,options), MapFish.API
 Point, Proj4js.Proj.Proj4js
 Private Methods
 projName, Proj4js.Proj
 readyToUse, Proj4js.Proj
 reportError, Proj4js
 Search(config), MapFish.API
 title, Proj4js.Proj
 transform(source,dest,point), Proj4js
 units, Proj4js.Proj
 ZoomToExtent(config), MapFish.API
{MapFish.API} instance
Create and return an instance of the MapFish API
Index of current API instance.
This class is an extension of {OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser} It is used to parse arguments from the URL when loading a page.
baseConfig of the api
bind: function(func,
Bind a function to an object.
checkCodeLoaded: function(projName)
This is the loadCheck method to see if the projection code is loaded
checkDefsLoaded: function()
This is the loadCheck method to see if the def object exists
checkReadyState: function()
IE workaround since there is no onerror handler.
Class: function()
Base class used to construct all other classes.
lon and lat coordinate of map center
createAreaMeasureControl: function()
createLayerTree: function(config)
Create and return an {mapfish.widgets.LayerTree}
createLengthMeasureControl: function()
createMap: function(config)
Create and return an {OpenLayers.Map} and place a vector drawing layer {OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} on top
createMapPanel: function(config)
Create and return an {GeoExt.MapPanel} and create an {OpenLayers.Map} if it doesn’t exist
createParams: function(center,
Create the permalink parameters
createToolbar: function(config)
Create and return an array of functions.
The datum specified for the projection
Flag indicating if debug mode is active.
The datum to use when no others a specified
defsFailed: function()
Report an error in loading the defs file, but continue on using WGS84
defsLoaded: function()
Continues the Proj object initilization once the def file is loaded
AJAX service to retreive projection definition parameters from
deriveConstants: function()
Sets several derived constant values and initialization of datum and ellipse parameters.
draw: function()
Set the permalink value
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector}: drawing layer over the map
extend: function(destination,
Copy all properties of a source object to a destination object.
getScriptLocation: function ()
Return the path to this script.
highlightObjects: function(layer,
Highlight features in the map
URL part relative to config baseUrl: URL of highlighting service
initialize: function(srsCode)
Constructor for Proj4js.Proj objects
initTransforms: function()
Finalize the initialization of the Proj object
Boolean to tell if API is used within main application or in external mode.
Array storing checked layers ids according to permalink
internal: http server path to library code.
loadFromService: function()
Creates the REST URL for loading the definition from a web service and loads it.
loadProjCode: function(projName)
Loads projection class code dynamically if required.
loadProjCodeSuccess: function(projName)
Loads any proj dependencies or continue on to final initialization.
loadProjDefinition: function()
Loads the coordinate system initialization string if required.
loadScript: function(url,
Load a JS file from a URL into a script tag in the page.
{OpenLayers.Map}: map component
Distance/area measure tools
parseDefs: function()
Parses the PROJ.4 initialization string and sets the associated properties.
This class is an extension of {OpenLayers.Control.Permalink}.
The following properties and methods are intended for internal use only.
Proj4js is a JavaScript library to transform point coordinates from one coordinate system to another, including datum transformations.
Proj objects provide transformation methods for point coordinates between geodetic latitude/longitude and a projected coordinate system.
The projection class for this projection, e.g.
Flag to indicate if initialization is complete for this Proj object
recenterOnObjects: function(layer,
Recenter map based on list of features
URL part relative to config baseUrl: URL of recentering service
reportError: function(msg)
An internal method to report errors back to user.
Create a search engine
Instance of {MapFish.API.Search} class
Instance of {OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature}
setMap: function(map)
Set the map base on the layer nodes, the map center and the zoom level
showFeatures: function(layer,
Recenter and highlight a list of features
showFeatureTooltip: function(config)
Show a feature tooltip.
showMarker: function(options)
Show a marker in the map and associate a popup if an html content is provided
showPopup: function(options)
Shows a {GeoExt.Popup}
The title to describe the projection
transform: function(source,
Transform a point coordinate from one map projection to another.
Instance of {mapfish.widgets.LayerTree} class
The units of the projection.
updateLayerTreeFromPermalink: function()
Update the permalink according to the layer tree
updateLink: function()
Update the permalink
Create a ZoomToExtent {OpenLayers.Control}