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Pylons tutorial

This tutorial provides a quick tour of the Pylons framework It is based on the SimpleSite tutorial included in Chapter 8 of the Pylons Book

Prior to following this tutorial, it is recommented to follow the SQLAlchemy tutorial tutorial.

In this tutorial you will create a Pylons-based, wiki-like web site. SQLAlchemy will be used to store the individual pages in the site in such a way that users can add, edit, or remove them.


It will come to no surprise that creating a Pylons project implies having Pylons installed.

If you haven’t followed the SQLAlchemy tutorial tutorial, you need to go to this tutorial’s Installing section and create a virtual Python environment as indicated there. You can also install SQLAlchemy 0.5.2 as you will need it for your Pylons project.

Getting Started

Once you have a virtual Python environment created and activated, you can create your Pylons project with:

$ paster create --template=pylons SimpleSite

You will use SQLAlchemy and Mako in this tutorial so answer True to the SQLAlchemy question.

You can now start the server with:

$ cd SimpleSite
$ paster serve --reload development.ini

If you visit http://locahost:5000, you will see the standard Pylons introduction page served from the application’s public/index.html file.

Go ahead and remove that default page:

$ cd simplesite
$ rm public/index.html

If you refresh the page, the Pylons built-in error document support will kick in and display a 404 Not Found page.


You are now going to create a controller capable of serving the application pages. Each page is going to have its ID, which the controller will obtain from the URL path. Here are example URLs that the controller will handle:


Let’s now create this controller:

$ paster controller page
Creating /home/eric/SimpleSite/simplesite/controllers/
Creating /home/eric/SimpleSite/simplesite/tests/functional/

This creates two files, one for the tests you will add for this controller and the other for the controller itself.

Open the controllers/ in your text editor. You will note that the page controller is represented by the PageController class, this class has one method, namely index(). A controller’s method is called an action.

Visit the URL http://localhost:5000/page/index. You should see the the message Hello World.

Replace the index() action with a view() action that looks like that:

def view(self, id=None):
    return "Viewing " + str(id)

Now visit the following URLs:


Note how the URLs are matched to the controller, action and id. The first element in the URL path, page, corresponds to the controller; the second element, view, corresponds to the controller action; and the third element corresponds to the action’s id argument. This behavior is determined by Pylons’ default Routes setup in the config/ file:



You are going to use the Mako templating engine Mako allows you write HTML and embed Python code in your HTML when you need to do so. Mako also offers simple constructs for substituting variables or repeating certain sections of HTML.

Here is a simple Mako template:

  <p>Hello ${name}!</p>

In this example the value of name will replace the ${name} text when the template is rendered.

In a Pylons project, the templates are located in the templates directory.

Because you are going to need a few templates that will all look similar, you are going to take advantage of Mako’s inheritance chain features, where base templates will be inherited from specific templates.

You’ll structure these templates as follows:

  • templates/base: includes the base templates.
  • templates/derived: includes the derived templates.
  • templates/component: includes components that are used in multiple templates.

Let’s start with the base template. Save the following template as templates/base/index.html:

## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


<%def name="title()">SimpleSite</%def>
<%def name="head()"></%def>
<%def name="header()"><a name="top"></a></%def>
<%def name="tabs()"></%def>
<%def name="menu()"></%def>
<%def name="heading()"><h1>${c.heading or 'No Title'}</h1></%def>
<%def name="breadcrumbs()"></%def>
<%def name="footer()"><p><a href="#top">Top ^</a></p></%def>

This template defines eight defs. A def can be seen as a function. Each of the calls to ${self.somedef()} will execute the def using either the definition in this base template or the definition in the template that inherits from it. The ${next.body()} call will be replaced with the body of the template that directly inherits that one.

Now that the base template is in place, create a new template in the templates/derived/page directory called view.html. Add this content to the file:

<%inherit file="/base/index.html"/>


The last thing to do here is update the view() action so that it renders the view.html template:

def view(self, id):
    c.heading = "Sample Page"
    c.content = "This is page %s" % id
    return render("/derived/page/view.html")

The object referenced to by c is the context object. It is available in both the controllers and templates.

Visit http://localhost:5000/page/view/1 to see the result.


Now that you have the project’s controller and view set up, you are going to set up the model. SQLAlchemy and its Object-Relational API will be used for that model.

Configuring the Engine

If you followed to SQLAlchemy tutorial, you would remember that an SQLAlchemy engine must be created. Open your project’s config/ file. You’ll see that Pylons uses the engine_from_config() function to create an engine from configuration options in your project’s configuration file (development.ini).

The main configuration option is sqlalchemy.url. You are going to use an SQLite database for this tutorial, so edit your project’s development.ini file and use the following configuration option:

sqlalchemy.url = sqllite:///%(here)s/databasefile.sqlite

%(here)s represents the directory containing the development.ini file.

Creating the Model

It is now time to configure the model. To do that, copy the classes, tables, and mappers from the Object-Relational API section of the SQLAlchemy tutorial into your project’s model/ file.

You will note that the MetaData object Pylons uses is defined in model/, so it is accessed as meta.metadata, whereas it was accessed as metadata in the file.

Also, consider replacing the transactional=True option by autocommit=False when calling the sessionmaker() function in the init_model() function, transactional is a SQLAlchemy 0.4 option, new deprecated in SQLAlchemy 0.5.

Creating the Database Tables

The users of your application can simply run paster setup-app development.ini to have the database tables created for them automatically. The paster setup-app development.ini relies on the setup_app() function of the websetup module.

Open the file, take a look at the setup_app() function to understand what it does (it should be straightforward if you followed the SQLAlchemy tutorial), and customize it so that it also adds a home page to the database:"Adding homepage...")
page = model.Page()
page.title=u'Home Page'
page.content = u'Welcome to the SimpleSite home page.'
meta.Session.commit()"Successfully set up.")

You will also need to add this import at the top:

from simplesite import model

You are now ready to run the paster setup-app command:

$ paster setup-app development.ini

You should see quite a lot of debug output.

Putting It Together

Now that the model is set, you can go back to the view() action so that it fetches the page from the database:

def view(self, id=None):
    if id is None:
    page_q = meta.Session.query(model.Page) = page_q.get(int(id))
    if is None:
    return render('/derived/page/view.html')

For the new view() implementation to work you need the following imports at the top:

import simplesite.model as model
import simplesite.model.meta as meta

Finally, you’ll need to update the templates/derived/page/view.html template to use the page object:

<%inherit file="/base/index.html"/>

<%def name="title()">${}</%def>
<%def name="heading()"><h1>${ or}</h1></%def>


Visit the http://localhost:5000/page/view/1 page again, and you should see the data loaded from the database.

Support Creating Pages

In this section, you’re going to add the following actions to the page controller:

  • new(self): displays a form to create a new page
  • create(self): saves the information submitted from new() and redirect to view()


Add the new() action to the page controller:

def new(self):
    return render('/derived/page/new.html')

And create the templates/derived/page/new.html file with the following content:

<%inherit file="/base/index.html" />

<%def name="heading()">
    <h1 class="main">Create a New Page</h1>

${h.form_start(h.url_for(controller='page', action='create'), method="post")}
        field_desc = "Used as the heading too if you didn't specify one above"
        h.textarea(name='content', rows=7, cols=40),
        field_desc = 'The text that will make up the body of the page'
    ${h.field(field=h.submit(value="Create Page", name='submit'))}

For the above template to work, you’ll first need to install the FormBuild package:

$ easy_install "FormBuild>=2.0,<2.99"

and add some imports at the top of the lib/ file:

from formbuild.helpers import field
from formbuild import start_with_layout as form_start, end_with_layout as form_end
from webhelpers.html.tags import *
from routes import url_for

(You are also recommended to update your project’s file and add "FormBuild>=2.0,<2.99" to the install_requires array.)

Once done, you can visit http://localhost:5000/page/new and admire a nice-looking HTML form.


You can now implement the create() action, it will perform the following tasks:

  • add the data to the database
  • redirected the user to the newly created page

Here is how the create() action looks like:

def create(self):
    # Add the new page to the database
    page = model.Page()
    for k in request.params:
        setattr(page, k, request.params[k])
    # Issue an HTTP redirect
    response.status_int = 302
    response.headers['location'] = h.url_for(controller='page',
    return "Moved temporarily"

You should now be able to create new pages through the HTML form provided at http://localhost:5000/page/new.


To complete the picture, add the following actions:

  • edit(self, id): displays a form for editing the page id
  • save(self, id): saves the page id and redirects to view()
  • list(self): lists all pages
  • delete(self, id): deletes a page

As a second task, you can update the derived/page/view.html template so that it includes “new”, “list”, “edit”, and “delete” links.


You have created a very simple web page editor. The created application still misses quite a lot of things. One of the most important missing things is a form validator. Form validation is commonly using the FormEncode package. FormEncode has two parts:

  • a set of validators used together to create schemas, which convert form data back and forth between Python objects and their corresponding form values,
  • a tool called HTML Fill that takes an HTML form and parses it for form fields, filling in values and error messages as it goes from Python objects.

You are encouraged to look at the Pylons Book from James Gardner to learn about all this. Thanks to him for this excellent book.