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Securing MapFishSample

Real-life applications very often require some sort of access control. Access control can be implemented in MapFish applications using any security toolkit that can be used with Pylons, including repoze.who and AuthKit.

In this module we will see how to secure MapFish applications with repoze.who, which has become the most popular security toolkit for Pylons.

This module is based on a simple, yet realistic, scenario:

  • The application is available to authenticated users only, so a login form is immediately displayed when the application is loaded in the browser.
  • Every web service composing the application must be protected, including the POI, MapServer, and TileCache web services.
  • The HTTP Basic authentication mechanism is used.
  • Users are stored in the PostgreSQL database.

Create User Model

In this section we will create a user table in the database. This table will include the following columns: name, login, password, and editor. This table will be created at application setup time, using SQLAlchemy.

The first step involves creating an SQLAlchemy model class for the user table. Model classes are typically defined in the model/ file.

Task #1

Edit mapfishample/model/ and append the following content to the file:

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Column(types.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(types.Unicode)
    login = Column(types.Unicode)
    password = Column(types.Unicode)
    editor = Column(types.Boolean)

    def validate_password(self, password):
        return self.password == password

Again, watch your indentation! The class keyword should start at the first column.

With this code a model class User bound to a table user is defined. Five properties are defined in the class, each corresponds to a table column. The validate_password function will be called by the security toolkit to validate the password entered by the user.

Once the model class is defined, the corresponding table can be created in the database with the paster setup-app command. As its name suggests the goal of this command is to set up the application. This command actually executes the setup_app function that is defined in the file.

Task #2

Run paster setup-app to create the user table in the database:

$ ./buildout/bin/paster setup-app development.ini

Open pgadmin and verify that the table has been created, and that its columns are as expected.

For the user table to be useful users must be inserted into it. Again this is done at application setup time, so the code to insert users in the table goes to the file.

Task #3

Edit mapfishsample/ again, and append the following content to the setup_app function:

from mapfishsample.model import User

# create user "Johane"
u1 = User() = "Johane"
u1.login = "johane"
u1.password = "johane"
u1.editor = True

# create user "Alix"
u2 = User() = "Alix"
u2.login = "alix"
u2.password = "alix"
u2.editor = False

# add them to the database
Session.add_all([u1, u2])

Run paster setup-app again, to execute the setup_app function again, and insert our two users:

$ ./buildout/bin/paster setup-app development.ini

Open pgadmin one more time and verify that the user table contains Johane and Alix.

We now have our user table, with two users inserted into it. We’re ready to set up authentication.


For security reasons passwords should actually be encrypted in the database. This is ommitted here, for the sake of simplicity.

Set Up Authentication

In this section we will set up authentication in MapFishSample, using repoze.who. This is done by adding code to two files: mapfishsample/lib/ and mapfishsample/config/ The file doesn’t exist yet, it will be created for the specific purpose of setting up authentication.

Prior to using repoze.who we need to install it in the Python environment. For that we just need to make repoze.who a dependency of MapFishSample.

Task #4

Edit and to the install_requires array:


The last entry in the array sets as a dependency of MapFishSample. is a repoze.who plugin to work with SQLAlchemy. requires repoze.who, so the installation of will automatically install repoze.who.

Execute the eggs and modwsgi Buildout parts to install the repoze.who packages, and recreate the modwsgi script:

$ ./buildout/bin/buildout -c buildout_mine.cfg install eggs

With repoze.who installed we can now go on with setting up the authentication. The main task for that involves writing a WSGI middleware dedicated to the authentication. This is typically done in lib/

Task #5

Create the file mapfishsample/lib/, and open it in your editor, and add this content to it:

import logging

from repoze.who.middleware import PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware
from repoze.who.classifiers import default_request_classifier
from repoze.who.classifiers import default_challenge_decider

from import SQLAlchemyAuthenticatorPlugin
from import SQLAlchemyUserMDPlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin

from mapfishsample.model import meta, User

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def AuthMiddleware(app):

    basicauth = BasicAuthPlugin('repoze.who')

    authenticator = SQLAlchemyAuthenticatorPlugin(User, meta.Session)
    authenticator.translations['user_name'] = 'login'

    mdprovider = SQLAlchemyUserMDPlugin(User, meta.Session)
    mdprovider.translations['user_name'] = 'login'

    identifiers = [('basicauth', basicauth)]
    authenticators = [('sqlalchemy', authenticator)]
    challengers = [('basicauth', basicauth)]
    mdproviders = [('sqlalchemy', mdprovider)]

    return PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware(
        #log_stream = log,
        #log_level = logging.DEBUG

The AuthMiddleware function returns the WSGI middleware dedicated to the authentication. This middleware is configured with parameters that specify how we want authentication to work.

The basicauth object specifies the authentication method we use, HTTP Basic Authentication here.

The authenticator object takes care of validating the user credentials, and returning the user object if the credentials can be validated.

The mdprovider object allows obtaining more information about the authenticated user. In our case the mdprovider object will provide us with the information of whether the user is an editor or not.

We have our authentication middleware ready. We now need to plug it into the WSGI stack defined in config/

Task #6

Edit mapfishsample/config/ and insert the authentication middleware in the WSGI stack. As an help here’s an excerpt of the file:

if asbool(full_stack):
    # Handle Python exceptions
    app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])

    # Display error documents for 401, 403, 404 status codes (and
    # 500 when debug is disabled)
    if asbool(config['debug']):
        app = StatusCodeRedirect(app)
        app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, [400, 401, 403, 404, 500])

# The Authentication middleware
# Note: AuthMiddleware must wrap StatusCodeRedirect or AuthMiddleware
# won't see 401 (or 403) responses from the error controller.
from mapfishsample.lib.auth import AuthMiddleware
app = AuthMiddleware(app)

# Establish the Registry for this application
app = RegistryManager(app)

The last thing to do is to modify the Apache mod_wsgi configuration to make mod_wsgi pass the user credentials to the WSGI application (MapFishSample).

Task #7

Edit apache/, and uncomment this line:

WSGIPassAuthorization On

Run the template Buildout part:

$ ./buildout/bin/buildout -c buildout_mine.cfg install template

And reload Apache:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

You can now open http://mapfish again in the browser, and verify that the application continues to function properly.

The authentication bits are in place, but we haven’t secure the application yet, and this is what we’re going to do in the next section.

Secure Application

We want to control access to every web service of the application - so that the unauthenticated user gets a login form each time he or she attempts to access a resource of the application.

For that we’re going to set up access-control at the lowest level, i.e. in the BaseController class defined in lib/ The BaseController class is the parent class of every controller of the application.

Task #8

Edit mapfishsample/lib/ and add a __before__ function to the BaseController class:

"""The base Controller API

Provides the BaseController class for subclassing.
from pylons.controllers import WSGIController
from pylons.templating import render_mako as render
from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c
from pylons.controllers.util import abort

from mapfishsample.model.meta import Session

class BaseController(WSGIController):

    def __before__(self):
        identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
        user = identity and identity.get('user')
        if user is None:
        c.user = user

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """Invoke the Controller"""
        # WSGIController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method
        # the request is routed to. This routing information is
        # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
            return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

When a request comes in and is directed to a controller, the __before__ function of the controller is invoked before anything else.

Our implementation of __before__ checks if the repoze.who middleware has identified the user already, i.e. if the user is already logged in. If the user isn’t logged in, a 401 Unauthorized response is sent back, which will make the repoze.who middleware send an authentication challenge to the browser, which will further make the browser open a login window. If the user has already logged in, the authenticated user is stored in the context object (c), for later use by other functions of the controller.

For this change to be available in the instance run in Apache you need to reload Apache:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

By adding a __before__ function to base controller that sends a 401 Unauthorized response if the user isn’t identified, we have added access-control to all web services of the application, including the POI MapFish web service, and the TileCache web service.

Task #9

In this task you’re going to verify that the POIS and TileCache web services are secured.

Open http://mapfish/mapfishsample/sample/wsgi/pois in the browser, and verify that you get a login window. Do not log in for now.

Do the same with http://mapfish/mapfishsample/sample/wsgi/tilecache. Log in with either johane/johane or alix/alix.

To clear the credentials in the browser you can do CTRL+SHIT+DEL, select Active Logins in the Details list, and hit the Clear Now button.

In fact the entry point controller (controller/ isn’t secured yet. This is because this controller defines its own __before__ function. So, for the authentication to work for this controller as well, we need to modify the __before__ function to make it call its parent.

Task #10

If you haven’t cleared your credentials in the browser at the end of the previous task do it now.

Now open http://mapfish in the browser, and observe that you effectively don’t get a login window.

To remedy that edit mapfishsample/controllers/ and modify the __before__ function as done in the following code excerpt:

import logging

from pylons import request, response, config, tmpl_context as c
from pylons.controllers.util import abort
from pylons.i18n import set_lang

from mapfishsample.lib.base import BaseController, render

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EntryController(BaseController):

    def __before__(self):
        # call our parent for access-control
        super(EntryController, self).__before__()

        c.debug = "debug" in request.params
        c.lang = str(request.params.get("lang", config.get("default_lang")))
        set_lang(c.lang, fallback=True)

    def index(self):
        return render("index.html")

    def apiloader(self):
        return render("apiloader.js")

    def apihelp(self):
        return render("apihelp.html")

You can now reload http://mapfish. You should get a login window this time!

MapFishSample is secured!


It is to be noted that there’s no access control for the static resources when the application is served by Apache. Indeed, as we’ve seen previously the static resources are served by Apache directly.

Secure MapFish Web Services

In this section we’re going to go one step further with access-control for the POI MapFish web service. We’re going to modify the pois controller in such a way that only editors are able to created, update, or delete POIs.

With everything now in place adding this is straightforward.

Task #11

Open mapfishsample/controllers/ in your editor, and modify the create, update, and delete methods so they return a 403 Forbidden response if the user isn’t an editor.

Here’s what update function will look like:

def update(self, id):
    """PUT /id: Update an existing feature."""
    if c.user.editor == False:
    return self.protocol.update(request, response, id)

You can do the same for create and delete.

Open or reload http://mapfish in the browser, log in with alix/alix, and verify in the FireBug console that you get 403 errors when attempting to create, update, or delete POIs.

Bonus Task #1

As a bonus task you can attempt to modify the application to disable the editing button in the UI if the user isn’t an editor.

Secure MapServer

MapServer is external to the MapFishSample application, so controlling access to it isn’t as straightforward.

A solution to introducing access-control for MapServer, and reusing what we have put in place in this module, involves implementing a controller that proxies requests and responses to and from MapServer, respectively.

Task #12

As a first task for this section you’re going to create the controller for proxying requests and responses to and from MapServer.

Create the file mapfishsample/controllers/ with this content:

import logging
import httplib2
import urllib

from pylons import config
from pylons import request, response
from pylons.controllers.util import abort

from mapfishsample.lib.base import BaseController
from mapfishsample.model import User
from mapfishsample.model.meta import Session

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MapserverproxyController(BaseController):

    def index(self):

        # params hold the params to send to MapServer
        params = dict(request.params)

        # get query string
        query_string = urllib.urlencode(params)

        # get URL
        _url = config['mapserv.url'] + '?' + query_string

        # get method
        method = request.method

        # get body
        body = None
        if method in ("POST", "PUT"):
            body = request.body

        # forward request to target (without Host Header)
        http = httplib2.Http()
        h = dict(request.headers)
        h.pop("Host", h)
            resp, content = http.request(_url, method=method, body=body, headers=h)
            abort(502) # Bad Gateway

        if resp.has_key("content-type"):
            response.headers["Content-Type"] = resp["content-type"]
            abort(406) # Not Acceptable

        response.status = resp.status
        return content

Study the code of the controller.

Task #13

For the mapserverproxy controller to be operational a few things remain to be done.

By studying the code of the controller you may have observed that the URL to MapServer must be set in the application configuration, through the mapserv.url variable.

Edit and add the following lines anywhere in the [app.main] section (for example after the setting of default_lang):

# MapServer URL
mapserv.url = ${mapserv_url}

Also, as for every controller, a route to this controller is needed.

Edit mapfishsample/config/ and add these lines:

# MapServer Proxy route
map.connect('/mapserv', controller='mapserverproxy', action='index')

At this stage all the necessary code is in place. You can now rerun the template part of Buildout:

$ ./buildout/bin/buildout -c buildout_mine.cfg install template

Reload Apache:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

And open http://mapfish/mapfishsample/sample/wsgi/mapserv in the browser. If your credentials are cleared in the browser you should get a login window.

Securing MapServer through a proxy controller in the application takes a few lines of code only. And it is to be noted that, with this few lines of code, all the power and flexibility of repoze.who can be leveraged.

Task #14

As a very last task you’re going to change the URL used by the client code for the POI WMS layer.

Edit mapfishsample/templates/ and change the value of App.mapservURL:

App.mapservURL = "$${url(controller='mapserverproxy', action='index', qualified=True)}";

You also need to edit mapfishsample/public/app/lib/App/Map.js to rely on App.mapservURL again for the POI WMS layer:

poisLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
        layers: ['sustenance'],
        transparent: true
        singleTile: true

At this stage all the necessary code is in place. You can now rerun the template part of Buildout:

$ ./buildout/bin/buildout -c buildout_mine.cfg install template

Open or http://mapfish and observe in the FireBug Net tab that our MapServer proxy is now used to access MapServer.